Source code for uniport.data_loader

# Author: Kai Cao
# Modified from SCALEX

import numpy as np
from import Dataset
from import DataLoader
from scipy.sparse import issparse
import scipy

[docs]class SingleCellDataset(Dataset):
[docs] def __init__(self, data, batch): = data self.batch = batch self.shape = data.shape
def __len__(self): return[0] def __getitem__(self, idx): domain_id = self.batch[idx] x =[idx].toarray().squeeze() return x, domain_id, idx
[docs]class SingleCellDataset_vertical(Dataset):
[docs] def __init__(self, adatas): self.adatas = adatas
def __len__(self): return self.adatas[0].shape[0] def __getitem__(self, idx): x = self.adatas[0].X[idx].toarray().squeeze() for i in range(1, len(self.adatas)): x = np.concatenate((x, self.adatas[i].X[idx].toarray().squeeze())) return x, idx
[docs]def load_data(adatas, mode='h', use_rep=['X','X'], num_cell=None, max_gene=None, adata_cm=None, use_specific=False, domain_name='domain_id', batch_size=256, \ drop_last=True, shuffle=True, num_workers=4): ''' Load data for training. Parameters ---------- adatas A list of AnnData matrice. mode training mode. Choose between ['h', 'd', 'v']. use_rep use '.X' or '.obsm'. num_cell numbers of cells of each adata in adatas. max_gene maximum number of genes of each adata in adatas. adata_cm adata with common genes of adatas. use_specific use dataset-specific genes. domain_name domain name of each adata in adatas. batch_size size of each mini batch for training. drop_last drop the last samples that not up to one batch. shuffle shuffle the data num_workers number parallel load processes according to cpu cores. Returns ------- trainloader data loader for training testloader data loader for testing ''' if mode == 'd': for i, adata in enumerate(adatas): if use_rep[i]=='X': tmp = adata.X else: tmp = adata.obsm[use_rep[i]] if tmp.shape[1] < max_gene: tmp = scipy.sparse.hstack((tmp, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(np.zeros((tmp.shape[0], max_gene-tmp.shape[1]))))) if i == 0: x = tmp batches = adata.obs[domain_name].astype(int).tolist() else: x = scipy.sparse.vstack((x, tmp)) batches.extend(adata.obs[domain_name]) x = x.tocsr() scdata = SingleCellDataset(x, batches) elif mode == 'h': batches = adata_cm.obs[domain_name].cat.categories.tolist() if use_specific: for i, adata in enumerate(adatas): adata_tmp = adata_cm[adata_cm.obs[domain_name]==batches[i],] x_c = adata_tmp.X x_s = adata.X if x_s.shape[1] < max_gene: x_s = scipy.sparse.hstack((x_s, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(np.zeros((x_s.shape[0], max_gene-x_s.shape[1]))))) if i == 0: x = scipy.sparse.hstack((x_c, x_s)) else: x = scipy.sparse.vstack((x, scipy.sparse.hstack((x_c, x_s)))) x = x.tocsr() else: if not issparse(adata_cm.X): adata_cm.X = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adata_cm.X) x = adata_cm.X scdata = SingleCellDataset(x, adata_cm.obs[domain_name].astype(int).tolist()) else: scdata = SingleCellDataset_vertical(adatas) trainloader = DataLoader( scdata, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=drop_last, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, ) testloader = DataLoader(scdata, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=False, shuffle=False) return trainloader, testloader