Source code for uniport.model.loss

# Author: Kai Cao
# Modified from RAE

import torch
import numpy as np
from torch.distributions import Normal, kl_divergence

[docs]def kl_div(mu, var, weight=None): loss = kl_divergence(Normal(mu, var.sqrt()), Normal(torch.zeros_like(mu),torch.ones_like(var))).sum(dim=1) # if weight is not None: # loss = loss * weight.squeeze(dim=1) return loss.mean()
# def balanced_binary_cross_entropy(recon_x, x): # return -torch.sum(x * torch.log(recon_x + 1e-8) + (1 - x) * torch.log(1 - recon_x + 1e-8), dim=-1)
[docs]def distance_matrix(pts_src: torch.Tensor, pts_dst: torch.Tensor, p: int = 2): """ Returns the matrix of ||x_i-y_j||_p^p. Parameters ---------- pts_src [R, D] matrix pts_dst C, D] matrix p p-norm Return ------ [R, C] matrix distance matrix """ x_col = pts_src.unsqueeze(1) y_row = pts_dst.unsqueeze(0) distance = torch.sum((torch.abs(x_col - y_row)) ** p, 2) return distance
[docs]def distance_gmm(mu_src: torch.Tensor, mu_dst: torch.Tensor, var_src: torch.Tensor, var_dst: torch.Tensor): """ Calculate a Wasserstein distance matrix between the gmm distributions with diagonal variances Parameters ---------- mu_src [R, D] matrix, the means of R Gaussian distributions mu_dst [C, D] matrix, the means of C Gaussian distributions logvar_src [R, D] matrix, the log(variance) of R Gaussian distributions logvar_dst [C, D] matrix, the log(variance) of C Gaussian distributions Return ------ [R, C] matrix distance matrix """ std_src = var_src.sqrt() std_dst = var_dst.sqrt() distance_mean = distance_matrix(mu_src, mu_dst, p=2) distance_var = distance_matrix(std_src, std_dst, p=2) # distance_var = torch.sum(sum_matrix(std_src, std_dst) - 2 * (prod_matrix(std_src, std_dst) ** 0.5), 2) return distance_mean + distance_var + 1e-6
[docs]def unbalanced_ot(tran, mu1, var1, mu2, var2, reg=0.1, reg_m=1.0, Couple=None, device='cpu', \ idx_q=None, idx_r=None, query_weight=None, ref_weight=None): ''' Calculate a unbalanced optimal transport matrix between mini batches. Parameters ---------- tran transport matrix between the two batches sampling from the global OT matrix. mu1 mean vector of batch 1 from the encoder var1 standard deviation vector of batch 1 from the encoder mu2 mean vector of batch 2 from the encoder var2 standard deviation vector of batch 2 from the encoder reg: Entropy regularization parameter in OT. Default: 0.1 reg_m: Unbalanced OT parameter. Larger values means more balanced OT. Default: 1.0 Couple prior information about weights between cell correspondence. Default: None device training device idx_q domain_id of query batch idx_r domain_id of reference batch query_weight reweighted vectors of query batch ref_weight reweighted vectors of reference batch Returns ------- float minibatch unbalanced optimal transport loss matrix minibatch unbalanced optimal transport matrix ''' ns = mu1.size(0) nt = mu2.size(0) cost_pp = distance_gmm(mu1, mu2, var1, var2) if query_weight is None: p_s = torch.ones(ns, 1) / ns else: query_batch_weight = query_weight[idx_q] p_s = query_batch_weight/torch.sum(query_batch_weight) if ref_weight is None: p_t = torch.ones(nt, 1) / nt else: ref_batch_weight = ref_weight[idx_r] p_t = ref_batch_weight/torch.sum(ref_batch_weight) p_s = p_t = if tran is None: tran = torch.ones(ns, nt) / (ns * nt) tran = dual = (torch.ones(ns, 1) / ns).to(device) f = reg_m / (reg_m + reg) for m in range(10): if Couple is not None: cost = cost_pp*Couple else: cost = cost_pp kernel = torch.exp(-cost / (reg*torch.max(torch.abs(cost)))) * tran b = p_t / (torch.t(kernel) @ dual) # dual = p_s / (kernel @ b) for i in range(10): dual =( p_s / (kernel @ b) )**f b = ( p_t / (torch.t(kernel) @ dual) )**f tran = (dual @ torch.t(b)) * kernel if torch.isnan(tran).sum() > 0: tran = (torch.ones(ns, nt) / (ns * nt)).to(device) # pho = tran.mean() # h_func = 1 - 0.5 * ( 1 + torch.sign(pho - tran) ) # hat_tran = tran * h_func # d_fgw1 = (cost_pp * hat_tran.detach().data).sum() # d_fgw2 = ((tran.detach().data - hat_tran.detach().data) * torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-cost_pp))).sum() # d_fgw = d_fgw1 + d_fgw2 d_fgw = (cost_pp * tran.detach().data).sum() return d_fgw, tran.detach()